Meet Registrations:
Registrations are open for the remaining meets this season. Please make note of the registration deadlines. We will not be able to accept any late registrations.
Fishers Fire hosted meet at Fishers HS
Deadline to register: 6/3/19 11:59pm
Ball State University
*Must be a USATF member to register. See information in this newsletter about membership.
$8/event fee. Please pay Fishers Firedirectly via check or cash at practice.
Deadline to register: 6/9/19 11:59pm
Carmel HS
Deadline to register: 6/17/19 11:59pm
Midwest Championships Info:
Fishers Fire hosted meet
We are hosting this Saturday's IYTA meet at Fishers High School. We are going to need all hands on deck for this meet, and we want to make sure that our guests have a great experience with us. Please check your schedule and sign up to volunteer. If we do not have enough volunteers, we will have to cancel the meet.
Meet Results:
We had another great meet on Saturday. The athletes are doing so well, and we are seeing such great improvement week to week. The results from the meet are listed below:
Please remind your athletes of the following items:
- There is no reason for an athlete to be crossing the track to get to the infield unless they are warming up for an event or checking in. We had some of our Fire athletes impede runners on the track because they thought they could run across. This is unacceptable and embarrassing. If we see this again, there will be consequences.
- Our athletes need to be models of sportsmanship. We should not here Fire athletes complaining about ribbons, their placings, or the workings of a meet. We want our athletes to be a great example for the other teams. Please help us to instill this with our athletes.
Meet Information for Saturday:
Track meets are a fun day, but they can be long, and it is important to prepare for them.
Time: The meet starts with the first track and field events at 8:15 am. It is a rolling start from there. Meaning that once an event is over, the next will start. Because of that, it is almost impossible for us to tell you when your athlete's event will start. Please plan accordingly.
We would love to encourage you to stay and cheer on your teammates as much as possible after your events are over. It can be difficult to "cheer" at a track meet, but we hope that we can build that this year. As always, if your schedule does not permit this, you are welcome to leave once your event is over.
Fishers High School
13000 Promise Road
Fishers, IN 46038
Order of Events beginning at 8:15:3000m, 80/100/110m hurdles , 100m, 200m for 8 & under only, 800m, 400m/200m
hurdles, 4x100m relay, 50m peewee race (free event for preschoolers,) 400m, 1500m, 200m dash 9-10 & older, 4x400m relay
Field events beginning at 8:15: long jump (youngest to oldest), high jump (youngest to oldest), triple jump (all jumpers at 8:15), pole vault (all vaulters at 9:00), shot put (youngest to oldest), discus (youngest to oldest at the conclusion of shot put), and javelin (oldest to youngest)
Field events will run concurrently with each other and with track events.
Athletes will need to be paying attention. There are many things going on at the same time on the track. They will need to listen for the announcer to call "First, second, and final call." They are expected to be ready to go and checked in with the clerk, by the final call. This may mean that they have to check out of a field event to go run, and then come back and finish their field event.
Medals are awarded to the top 3 in each event, ribbons for places 4-8, relay ribbons places 1-8.
Awards will be handed out through the day, via the award center, usually located in a concession area. If an athlete has earned an award, they can proceed to the award center and receive their award. Awards will not be handed out until the results are official, about 15-30 minutes after a race or event has finished.
What to bring:
- Coolers with snack and healthy drinks for the day.
- Bring food for your child to snack on throughout the day.
- Fruit, veggies, lean proteins, , nuts
- Water! Avoid sugary drinks like Gatorade until after races have finished, if possible.
- Save any sugary treats or dairy until after the meet is over. The concession stand will be open, but please avoid any concession stand food until after their last race is finished.
- Sunscreen
- A tent, if you have one. We will have the Fishers Fire tent set up, and then we invite everyone to make a tent city around the Fire tent, or you are welcome to sit in the tent as well.
- Chairs for yourself and your athlete
- Plenty of water and ice
- Hand sanitizer or baby wipes. The kids get sweaty and sometimes the bathrooms at the tracks just don't cut it.
Before the Meet:
- Drink water! Water, water, and more water. Start hydrating your athlete today. It is going to be warm on Saturday. They have not run in very warm weather yet. Start hydrating now!
- Eat a solid breakfast about 2 hours before the first event, if possible. That can fuel your athlete for a good potion of the day. Eggs, lean proteins, fruit, a bagel/toast
- Fishers Fire will not have access to email on the day of the meet. Please find a board member or coach and they will be able to help you.
Other Items of Interest:
Please remind your athlete to be mindful of other runners on the track. This continues to be an issue. It becomes an even larger concern as we start the competition season. Remember...crossing the track is like crossing a busy street. We want everyone to be safe!