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Mudsock Track & Field + XC

Mudsock Track & Field 2025 Overview:

Mudsock Track & Field is excited to offer kindergartners through 12th graders an opportunity to participate in Track and Field. Our focus will be on fitness, fun and training to participate in meets.

Track meets will include Mudsock Track & Field Sponsored meets, Indiana Youth Track Association (IYTA) meets (generally 4 meets which take place at the end of May and throughout the month of June) and the USA Track & Field State Meet held in Mid June, with the opportunity to advance to the Regional meet (early July) and Nationals (late July). Find the full meet schedule on this page. 

Our program is a great introduction to Track and Field or an opportunity to expand and extend the Track and Field season offered by local schools. Our athletes range from first time track athletes to nationally ranked track athletes. We encourage Mudsock Track and Field Athletes to participate in their school track program (if offered by their school) during the season. All athletes will participate in the Indiana Youth Track Association (IYTA) events, this is included in your entry cost.

Registration Fees:
Open Spring registration will be held the month of January 2024. Registration will be accepted online at Spring fees (early bird pricing) will be as follows:

$110 for grades 1st and 2nd (8U): Includes Fire shirt to wear as uniform for meets. 8U athletes will only participate in the Fire intraclub meet and the first IYTA meet.

$160 for grades 3rd-6th (age 9+): Athletes participating in the whole season with Fire. Includes uniform.

$125 for grades 7th-12th (age 12+): Athletes participating in the school track season first and then half-season with Fire. Includes uniform.

Please note, the registration fee includes the $30 IYTA fee.

There will be a multi-player discount available for families registering three or more children in Track & Field. Early bird pricing will be available during the month of January. Beginning February 1st, registration fees will increase.

Find the 2025 information packet here. 


The Fire has rebranded, so this year uniforms are included in registration fees. The league is working on how uniforms will be distributed. Watch for additional communication regarding this prior to the start of the season.

*Any promotions for running shoes, spikes and gear will be communicated as the season approaches.

Do I Need to Purchase a New Uniform if I Ran Cross Country?

This year is an anomaly. With the new branding, all athletes will be getting a new uniform as part of their registration. Typically, Track & Field AND Cross Country use the same uniforms which can be reused and/or passed down from season to season. After this year you will be able to use uniforms across seasons. It’s our goal to minimize the cost as much as possible for your athletes to participate in our league!

Practices and Expectations

The track season takes place from April through early July with Regional and National qualifiers able to compete through July. Practices will be held on Monday and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Saturday mornings 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Track meets will include Mudsock Track & Field sponsored meets, Indiana Youth Track Association (IYTA) meets (generally 4 meets which take place at the end of May and throughout the month of June) and the USA Track & Field State Meet held in Mid-June, with the opportunity to advance to the Regional meet (early July) and Nationals (late July). The full meet schedule will be available on the league website prior to the season.

Most practices will take place at Riverside Junior High School – 10910 Eller Rd. Fishers, IN 46038.

Athlete / Parent Expectations

Please ensure your athlete has proper running shoes for practices and meets.  Basketball shoes / high tops make it difficult to run in and will not provide the proper support.  Spikes can also be purchased for your athlete but will be completely optional.  

As with Track and Field, our goal will be to instill an interest in running / competition.  The first 2 - 3 weeks will be difficult for most of our runners as they are working toward getting into shape.  Our ask is that you please emphasize effort to your athlete during this initial period and throughout the remainder of the season.   We encourage parents to begin having their athletes do some light jogging / stretching a few times a week prior to the kick-off of our season to help ease them into the conditioning period.

 Practices are not a drop-off situation.  Parents are required to stay at the Riverside track until practice has ended.  It is too big of a group with too many uncontrolled variables, like weather, for you to drop your child off.  

Meet Expectations

As part of your athlete’s participation on the Fire, they’ll have the opportunity to participate in meets hosted by the IYTA (Indiana Youth Track Association) at no additional charge (included in your club fees).  Optional meets hosted by USATF will be available although a registration fee will be required.


Membership Requirements

IYTA Membership (covered under your registration fee) 
All Mudsock Track & Field athletes automatically receive membership in the Indiana Youth Track Association (IYTA) including entry into IYTA sponsored meets. (All IYTA meets are local: Westfield, Noblesville and Fishers). We will participate in 4 IYTA events during the year, which make up most of the track meets. Athletes will be responsible for all costs of travel to all meets and for all fees to enter non-Mudsock Track & Field/IYTA sponsored meets.

USATF Membership (cost $30)
All athletes must be registered for a USATF membership by visiting and using the FIRE code 16-0177 to link with our team. Membership lasts one year and must be renewed. You can upload the athletes birth certificate directly to their account and MUST DO SO for proof of age in order to compete at the USATF State, Regional & National meet. 

AthleticNET Account (free)
Families are encouraged to create a free account for their athlete at so that they can keep track of their athletes records throughout their Track & Field and/or Cross Country career.

2025 Spring Coaches

Updated as the season approaches

President: Megan Campbell

Head Coach: Miguel Tello




High Jump:

Long Jump:


*** If you are interested in volunteering, whether it be at practices, meets, or general season initiatives, please let us know or connect with me at practice as we are always looking for additional support!


2025 Meets

IYTA Meet Schedule:
coming soon 

USATF Meet Schedule: coming soon




Sprints (100m, 200m)
Hurdles (80, 100, 110, 200, 400)
Middle Distance (400m, 800m)
Distance (1500m, 3000m)
Relays (4x100, 4x400)
Throws (discus, shot put, javelin)
Jumps (high, long, triple)

USATF Age Groups

Athlete's age as of 12/31/2025

8 yr old & under (2017+)
9 & 10 yr old (2015/2016)
11 & 12 yr old (2013/2014)
13 & 14 yr old (2011/2012)
15 & 16 yr old (2009/2010)
17 & 18 yr old (2007/2008) 


Mudsock Track & Field + XC

12690 Promise Road 
Fishers, Indiana 46038

Email: [email protected]

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