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Mudsock Track & Field + XC

When is Cross County? When is Track and Field?

Though Cross Country and Track and Field are very complementary sports, they do have two distinct seasons. Many of our athletes compete in both seasons to cross-train.

Track and Field 2023 Season:

The season runs from mid-April through early July, with Regional and National qualifiers able to compete through July. 

Practices are Monday, Thursday and Saturday at Riverside Junior High 10910 Eller Road. Enter in the southern most drive way and follow it behind the school where the track is. Please DO NOT drop your athlete off. Please plan to stay nearby as we have injuries or inclement weather we may need you to pick up your athlete quickly. All practices will be at Riverside unless we inform you otherwise. Once meets start on Saturdays we will no longer be holding practices on Saturdays.

Monday Practice from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Thursday Practice from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Saturday Practice 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Registration will begin on January 1st, 2022 at


Cross Country 2022 Season:

Practices will be the following days:
Mondays: 6-7:15 pm 
Thursdays: 6-7:15 pm 
Saturdays: 10-11:15 am 

The season will begin in early September and run through mid November. Regional and National meets generally occur in late November and mid December; however, the athlete must qualify by competing in the state competitions.

Find the meet schedule here. 



Mudsock Track & Field + XC

12690 Promise Road 
Fishers, Indiana 46038

Email: [email protected]

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